FormArray is a class exported by the FormsModule, which is quite similar with the FormGroup.

For reminder, the FormGroup gathers and the values of child controls (which can be instances of FormControl, FormGroup or FormArray), and reduces them into a non-iterable object.

As expected, FormArray outputs values into an object of type array:

    const form = new FormArray([
      new FormControl('bana'),
      new FormControl('na'),
    console.log(form.value);    // console output: ["bana", "na"]

FormArray expose a quite useful API:

  • push
  • at

** the interesting usecase ** (and the reason why I got recently more interested into): make dynamic fields -> addable -> removable

1. FormsArray in template driven :

There is no current formal implementation of formsArray in template driven Here is the github issue The closest hack I could find consists in naming the child controls with increasing numbers (to simulate indexation), and mapping the output to a propper array.

FormArray with simple controls:

<!-- component.html -->
<form #form="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="submit(form.value)">
    <input *ngFor="let a of array; let i = index" ngModel name={ {i}}>
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>
// component.ts
  array = ['a', 'b', 'c']

  submit(value) {
    console.log(value);     // console output: {0: "", 1: "", 2: ""}
    const arrayValue = Object.values(value);
    console.log(arrayValue);    // console output: ["", "", ""]

FormArray with group controls:

Nb: the hack consists in ‘indexing’ the directive ngModelGroup.

<!-- component.html -->
<form #form="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="submit(form.value)">
    <div *ngFor="let array of array; let i = index" [ngModelGroup]="i">
        <input ngModel name="control1">
        <input ngModel name="control2">
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>
// component.ts
  array = ['a', 'b']

  submit(value) {
    const arrayValue = Object.values(value);
    // console output: 
    // [{control1: "", control2: ""}, {control1: "", control2: ""}]

Main problem: when we do modifications on the formGroup, for example when removing a control. The index of the control will change, but not its name, which will trigger issues.

2. FormsArray in reactive forms :

Nb: to declare a reactive FormArray Group, we need to wrap it first into a formGroup parent: github-issue2

As previously we can declare a ‘simple’ or ‘more complex’ formArray.

FormArray with simple controls:

The main idea consists in:

  • using the formBuilder.array() method (or instantiating a new FormArray class) to build our reactive form
  • using the formArrayName directive
  • attributing an index as the formControlName values
// formArray.component.ts
form ={
    formArray: this.formBuilder.array([
<form [formGroup]="form">
    <div formArrayName="formArray" 
        *ngFor="let control of form.get('formArray').controls; let i = index">
        <input [formControlName]="i">

FormArray with group controls:

Same procedure, but this time we are using the formGroupName directive instead of the formControlName directive.

  // formArray.component.ts
  form ={
    formArray: this.formBuilder.array([,,

  private formGroupFactory() {
    return {
      field1: this.formBuilder.control(''),
      field2: this.formBuilder.control('')
<form [formGroup]="form">
    <div formArrayName="formArray" 
         *ngFor="let control of form.get('formArray').controls; let i = index">
        <div [formGroupName]="i">
            <input formControlName="field1">
            <input formControlName="field2">

3. Dynamic fields with FormArrays :

Add fields:

Nb: from now, I will use an ‘alias’ of my FormArray instance, which I set through a getter. This also inforces the typing (otherwise TS would by default infer this is a FormArray)

  get formArray() {
    return this.form.get('formArray') as FormArray;

To add filed, one can simply use the method push: